By Leo Babauta
Making a change and sticking to it seems to be one of the hardest things for most people to do.
I have the tool to fix that: the Sea Change Program, version 2. It’s leaner, simpler and more effective.
And we’re launching v2 with The Unprocrastination Month for January.
Sea Change v2 is a monthly membership program designed to help you implement and stick to changes, with a different module each month. Modules will be focused on helping you:
- Stop procrastinating [January]
- Eat healthier [February]
- Meditate [March]
- Exercise [April]
- Write daily [May]
- Simplify your day [June]
- Get organized [July]
- Declutter [August]
- Be grateful [September]
- Reduce/eliminate debt [October]
- Read more [November]
- Let go [December]
This new version of Sea change is streamlined and sleekified, and does one thing: it gives you a very simple plan to make one change a month. Note: You don’t need to do the whole year — it’s a month-to-month subscription, so you can cancel at any time, though your access to the program will stop when you cancel.
Bonus: I’m also including a bonus ebook if you sign up for Sea Change — it’s my new ebook called 52 Changes. See below for more info.
The Simple Plan
How will the plan work? Each month, you’ll get a new module with:
- The Simple Plan. Each module will have a plan with a few simple steps you need to follow during the month to create the new change.
- Accountability. We’ll be using accountability groups in the forums — it’s a powerful way to stick to a habit.
- Reminders. You’ll get an email reminder to stick to your habit every 2-3 days. No excuses!
- Articles. I’ll publish 2-4 articles each month on that month’s module topic.
- One webinar. There will be one webinar in the middle area of each month, on that month’s module topic. No worries if you can’t make it live, because each webinar will be available for both streaming and downloading in the members area.
And that’s it! A new module each month, simple, focused, with reminders and accountability.
The Unprocrastination Month
We’ll kick off Sea Change v2 in January with the Unprocrastination Month. It’s aimed at everyone who has difficulty with procrastination, and wants a simple method for procrastinating less — and keeping the procrastination contained in small, enjoyable areas.
I’m a lifelong procrastinator, but I still get big things accomplished. I’ve learned to do this through:
- understanding why I procrastinate
- learning how to address those issues
- using human nature to work for me instead of against me
- experimenting with what works and evolving the most effective method
I’ll show you how to do that in this Unprocrastination Month. Sign up below to get the simple plan, powerful accountability groups, regular email reminders, and articles and a webinar to help you beat procrastination’s butt.
New Price: $10/month
I’ve dropped the Sea Change Program’s price from $26.99 to just $10/month. This is meant to help the program reach more people, and to help more people. By lowering the barrier to change, we’ll eliminate all resistance.
You can subscribe here — it’s a monthly subscription fee of $10 (which you can cancel anytime):
Important: Please make sure to return to Zen Habits after you pay by clicking the “return to seller” link, in order to complete your registration! If you don’t, your registration will not be fully processed.
Note: You don’t need to do the whole year — it’s a month-to-month subscription, so you can cancel at any time, though your access to the program will stop when you cancel.
Also note: Once you’ve registered, be sure to check your email for the confirmation email — it might be in your Bulk or Spam folder if it’s not in your inbox. Please click the confirmation link to confirm your email, so you can receive all the updates for member content, webinars, mini-courses and more. After you confirm your email, you’ll get a welcome email with instructions. You can also go to the Members Home Page for all content.
Q: I need help!
A: See this page, or email [email protected] if you have questions or problems.
Why This Works
The new Sea Change v2 is designed to beat all the obstacles that usually defeat people when they try to make or stick to changes:
- The plan is simple and concrete — removes doubt about whether you’re doing it right.
- The plan is easy — it takes just 5 minutes a day or so, so it won’t disrupt your life and there’s no way to say no.
- There’s accountability — the accountability groups we’ve set up are designed to keep you doing the habit.
- There are reminders — you can’t forget to do the new habit because we send out reminders every 2-3 days.
- There’s help — I’ll be doing a webinar on each month’s topic, and you can ask me questions there, or ask questions of other members on the forum.
There are really no excuses left, if you’re in the program, except the real possibility that you really don’t want to make the change.
Bonus Ebook: 52 Changes
As a bonus for signing up for the Sea Change Program, you’ll get my new ebook, 52 Changes, which will be published here on Zen Habits in the next 2-3 days. The book will be free to all Sea Change members, though you can also buy it separately if you don’t sign up for Sea Change. It’s designed to help you make a change a week for a year — which is different than the Sea Change Program but can compliment it. It also contains the 52 changes I recommend the most.
After you sign up, you’ll get an email from me explaining how I’ll send you the bonus ebook.