The Get Active & Fit Challenge for January!

By Leo Babauta

My friends, it’s time to start moving. We have the energy of the New Year and a fresh start – let’s actually start getting active and fit.

I invite you to join me and other members of my Sea Change Program in the Get Active & Fit Challenge. We’re starting this week by committing to the challenge and choosing what we’d like to do this month (and why we care about it).

In this challenge, we are focusing on starting small and doable. Here are some of the topics we’ll tackle in the challenge:

We’ll support you in the challenge with:

  1. Weekly content, including videos and articles
  2. A live video webinar with a talk from me, and a Q&A session
  3. An active community on Slack to get support and inspiration (including the ability to join small teams)
  4. Weekly check-ins for accountability

It’ll be amazing! Let’s dive in.

Join the Sea Change to be a part of the challenge.

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